minotaur, little collins

Hold up! Mamma’s just stepped back in time and has just revisited her childhood. This epic shop is awesome. There is Megaman! Mario, ET and the Little Mermaid. There are comic books, figurines, trading cards and and board games. Minotaur is incredible and you could spend hours wondering the aisles and checking out the massive range. There is EVERYTHING! Mamma’s knows you’ll find yourself in awe of so many hidden gems, shows you would have forgotten about and characters that just never dated. This is definitely a place you will want to pop into for a visit!

minotaur, melbourne - mamma knows melbourne

the nitty gritty

Monday - Saturday
10am - 6pm
11am - 5pm

264 Little Collins St, Melbourne

Want to know more? Click here

Mamma’s special mention:

Bettys Burgers is just a jump, hop away and has some of the most delicious burgers Mamma’s tasted… EVER!